Sweden Archives - followmygut.com

Put Your Sweden Travel Adventure on Pause and Stop in Oljebaren in Stockholm
I didn’t want much, but I was having a difficult time. Sure it may have been a different day, but it was the same narrative as I’ve experienced while in Stockholm. I had been walking around letting my adventure have its way with me and at this point, I was beyond tired. As my legs

Discover Why Spritmuseum is the Essential Restaurant to Try While in Stockholm
I was standing near the dock along the side of the water just watching the boats and the people pass by. It was only a couple of minutes, but the extended seconds were a few moments of swift tranquility. It was mid-day and I interrupted the calmness of the area with a single sound of

Find Delicious and Semi-Inexpensive Plates from Waan Thai
Stockholm is a beautiful walkable city. My getting somewhat lost on the first day and then wildly exploring on my own the day after that only confirmed my initial thought. I was finding areas that not only caught my attention, but my heart just as easily. With each step in whatever direction I took I

Kaffeverket in Stockholm is the Kind of Coffee Shop You Daydream About
You ever stare so longingly at your computer’s desktop image? The one you applied to your computer so that every time things were getting hard while at work or during your day you could just escape to it for as long as your mind could play pretend? I play pretend a lot when I’m supposed

Find the Perfect Swedish Meatballs at this Stockholm Restaurant
17,638. You may be wondering what that number represents. It’s not how much I owe in student loans because it’s way more than that. It’s also not my daily calorie intake because if it were, I would be dead. Instead, it’s the amount of steps I took in a single day while in Stockholm. On

Start Any Stockholm Morning with Fika at Haga Bageri
You often take for granted how great it feels to put on clean clothes. That is until you think you’ll have to wash your current clothes in your hotel shower to wear again the next day. Trust me, it’s not a pleasant thought. However I thought about doing that when I was unsure if I