Cookie Good in Santa Monica Serves Amazing Treats with Heart in Each Bite

Danielle N. Salmon
Follow My Gut

Follow My Gut is a restaurant discovery blog created to help people find restaurants and indulge in food. There's great food in restaurants and those finds should be shared! If you feel the same way and want to join in new and forgotten discoveries, all you have to do is Follow My Gut by subscribing. You can also stay up to date on all food finds on Facebook and Instagram at @FollowMyGut!


My mouth is full of saliva right now haha! This is cookie heaven my dear Danielle! Ah you are making me have second thoughts! Maybe I should have started a food blog instead? But I would have become 10 times my size in a year haha! Love the red velvet ones, I could eat a box right now! I am in Paris for the past two weeks and my cravings have reached a new level with all the cheese and desserts here! I hope one day you can show me around your favourite places!
Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful month of February darling!

Ahhh Stella that makes me so happy. I love that even for a second you considered starting a food blog. you gotta know that if you were ever to start a food blog about Paris restaurants I would be all over it!!! You know what, how about you get that going and you already have a subscriber in me!!! =]

I’m not a huge cookie person, but I have no problem devouring a dozen or two of these bad boys. I’ve been obsessed with Red Velvet everything lately. I’ll take 2 of those, please 🙂

LOL I love how much of a jump you give it. “I don’t really like em, but I may eat 24 of em!” Haha your perspective is spot on!

missreverie says:

Since I’m greedy and unlike Mary, I want all these cookies in my mouth, please! I never thought of myself as a cookie monster but seeing your cookie snaps in this entry has teased out a cookie ghoul in me. It’s so inspiring to read about the makers of these heavenly doughs and I enjoyed reading their story through your lens, as usual, Danielle. I appreciate the story behind the cookies and the passion you put in all of your food posts. Love your attention to details and you know, your general unicorn-ness! 😀 <3

Hahaha it makes me so happy that I’m not the only cookie monster out there! And yes, they’re story is so amazing and I love the hard work they put out because it brought them such a great business that they can share with others! Glad you liked it, Shanaz! <3

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