5 Things You Should Know if You Work Full Time and Want to Start a Restaurant Blog

Danielle N. Salmon
Follow My Gut

Follow My Gut is a restaurant discovery blog created to help people find restaurants and indulge in food. There's great food in restaurants and those finds should be shared! If you feel the same way and want to join in new and forgotten discoveries, all you have to do is Follow My Gut by subscribing. You can also stay up to date on all food finds on Facebook and Instagram at @FollowMyGut!


I work from home and I hardly have time to blog and keep up with my favorite blogs, so I always wonder how you full timers do it. I could write my post on the train maybe edit it at work them post when i get home but it still feel impossible, and I’m a life style and craft blogger, who can get off work then head to a restaurant, take pictures, edit and post. Even if I had 7 days to get it done I would still be lost. 24 hours is not enough time I need another 5 hours a day, 29 hours would be perfect.Great tips! I work from home but you tips totally apply to me. You are the bestest Danielle. If you didn’t know… now you know 🙂

MARRRYYYY!!!! Thank you so so much for your kind words and encouragement. I do this full time but i also work full time. I’m really trying to save for a place and pay off bills so I forgo sleep now in order to get those things sooner. But the crazy part is I was laid off from March to basically …three weeks ago and felt so unproductive. I think I need that constant pressure to really perform at my best. BUT DO NOT downplay what you do because you workout like a BEAST and your crafts and videos take a lot of time so I easily question how you do it all. You are my inspiration especially watching your bomb ass energy in your stories!!!

Foodecall says:

Great read, from a fellow food blogger! I too utilize my planner to the fullest extent!

Thank you so so much my fellow LA foodie. Planners are the best!!!

missreverie says:

Thank you for these tips! Even though I am not a food blogger, I do spend the bulk of my waking hours with content that it’s basically my husband now and I will take your advice in being a bit more organized! I trust in my rhythm as my own boss working from home but I’m now charting a job that involves being outside that I know will need me to be organized with my time and priorities. You know I can’t bear to part with Nature for too long so I’ll have to put that into the equation. By the ways, those paper clips are the cutest! I love that you chose to show us your faves: pizza, donut and egg! I hope you’re doing well there in bustling L.A. and have exciting posts coming up for us, people with mouths, who love your passionate food reviews! Lots of love to you 🙂 x

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